Unclaimed Dividend
Application money due for refund / Unclaimed Dividend / Fixed Deposit

Dear Investor,

The Central Government has established a Fund called Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) in terms of Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 and has on 5th September, 2016 notified Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority ((Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, 2016 (IEPF Rules). The companies are required to transfer to the said Fund the amount of dividend, share application money due for refund, matured deposits, matured debentures and interest accrued on the said amounts etc., which remain unclaimed and unpaid for a period of seven years from the due date of payment.

As required under Rule 5(8) of IEPF Rules, the lists of unclaimed dividend and fixed deposits/interest as on the date of AGM held on 29-12-2017 with due dates of transfer to IEPF as well as list of shares and dividend transferred to IEPF have been appended below for the benefit of investors.

The Shareholders may claim their unclaimed / unpaid amounts due to them by making a request to the Company giving their particulars before the same are transferred to the IEPF along with letter of undertaking as available below. pdf

Letter of undertaking

The Depositors may please claim their unclaimed / unpaid amount due to them by making a request to the Company giving their particulars before the same are transferred to the IEPF.

Also Investors may claim their unclaimed / unpaid amountsand shares transferred to IEPF by making a request to the IEPF Authority in the prescribed claim Form IEPF-5 and send it to Nodal Officer of the Company whose details are given below, in the manner and along with such documents as mentioned in the instruction kit of Form IEPF-5.

As explained above, the detailed information is being provided below for the benefit of Investors.